Archive of ‘Changing The World’ category

Why Working Mothers Must Defend Daniel Murphy

Daniel Murphy, second baseman for the New York Mets, was excoriated by New York Sports Radio commentators last week for choosing to be with his wife for the birth their first son and (gasp) taking the next two days off to bond and connect with his new baby and support his wife.  Talk show host, Mike Francesca, […] Read more…

Opting Out Of Birthday Insanity

It took me eight years but I’ve finally thrown in the towel. I can’t do it anymore. I simply can’t plan another over the top, cartoon/video game/activity themed child’s birthday party. I’m not renting another bounce-house or petting zoo. I’m not stressing over finding the perfect party favors. No more agonizing over whether to get […] Read more…

Does Teaching My Boys To Be Chivalrous Mean I Am A Feminist Sell-Out?

I am a feminist.  If a feminist is someone who believes women and men can share in responsibilities and opportunities regardless of sex then yes I am a feminist.  If by feminist you have some vision of a man-hating woman then we are not on the same page.  I have two sons, a husband, and […] Read more…

Is Daddy Doin’ Work A Turn Off?

Have you ever had one of those moments when someone says something so crazy it feels like they just told you they sky is in fact green not blue? And they totally believe it.  And they are pissed you don’t agree?  You’re like, “Is my name Alice and have I just fallen down a rabbit […] Read more…

People Say You Shouldn’t Meet Your Heroes….Turns Out They’re Wrong

I had the most crazy out of body experience last week.  The Katie-Freaking-Couric Show asked me to be a guest on a show about bread winning mothers.  Yes that Katie-Freaking-Couric:  trail-blazing first female anchor of a national nightly news program,  single mother who bravely raised her daughters after losing her fist husband to cancer, America’s sweetheart, THAT […] Read more…

In Defense of Barbie #Unapologetic

As a young girl I had one of the most magnificent Barbie doll collections.  I had a whole Barbie case chock full of every outfit imaginable – from roller skating party attire complete with leg-warmers to iridescent ball gowns with puffy sleeves and hot pink tulle.  I had the Barbie Dream House, Barbie’s swimming pool,  Barbie’s convertible […] Read more…

Is It Still a Mad Men World?

Pigs were flying and hell froze over yesterday.  My husband and I found ourselves with a house to ourselves after my parents volunteered to take our two monkeys for the night.  Not having been in this situation for…um…ever…we decided to embrace it.  So we ordered take out and settled in to watch the first season […] Read more…

Talking To My Young Kids About Drugs

Two things happened last week that made me realize I needed to talk to my six and eight-year-old sons about drugs. The first happened while standing in the grocery store checkout line.  My six-year-old turned to me and said, “Justin Bieber is in prison for drugs.”   Panicked I tried to play it cool and […] Read more…

Sleeping Arrangement Insanity

I sleep in utter and complete chaos.  Every morning I wake up drenched with sweat, slightly claustrophobic, and curled into an impossibly small ball on my California King sized bed wedged in between my husband on my left, my eight year old son on the right and our one-hundred-thirty pound rescue dog who was thirty-five […] Read more…

Slowing It Down For The Sake Of My Sons

My friend Susan doesn’t call me “Crazy Lady Nicole” without good reason.  I am insane.  I lead a jam packed existence and I like it that way. I thrive on challenge.  I crave challenge at work, and the challenge of fitting in time with friends, family, community commitments, a body drenching work out, learning a new skill, meeting […] Read more…

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