Archive of ‘Changing The World’ category

What Running an Endurance Race Taught This Working Mom

We all have our bucket list items.  The things we are going to do some day or risk dying with regrets.  For those of you in your right minds your bucket lists likely include traveling to beautiful and amazing destinations like Paris or the Maldives.  Seeing natural wonders such as the Grand Canyon or the […] Read more…

Strong Women Looking for Strong Men

“Real men provide, real women appreciate it,” proclaims a billboard in North Carolina.  And if you are a woman who is married, or in a relationship with a man, or a single mom, or a woman who is married to a woman there’s a good chance that the billboard offends you.  I’m pretty sure the […] Read more…

Muhammad Ali’s Reminder for this Working Mom

It was a tough week in the Corning household.  My work week was absolutely brutal, I spent the better part of Saturday cleaning up dog vomit, summer finally came roaring in with 119 degree temperatures in Phoenix, my nine-year-old son lost the state flag football championship by one point after going undefeated all season – […] Read more…

Signs that Sexism is Alive and Well–And Slightly Hilarious

I’m not in any danger of anyone calling me a prude. I laugh at inappropriate jokes, I am wildly sarcastic, and I have such thick skin it takes me a really long time to realize someone actually doesn’t like me (hard to believe but yes, I am not everyone’s cup of tea).  I bartended my […] Read more…

Advice From My Fairy Godmothers: Get a Hobby

If there is an inappropriate conversation to be had I will have it.  I’m really good at it.  It’s one of my super powers.  This week’s inappropriate conversation took place at a celebration of life.  I can only take half credit for this inappropriate conversation as technically my fairy godmothers were already having the conversation and […] Read more…

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