Archive of ‘Changing The World’ category

Good News for the Children of Working Moms

We all know our children do what they see us do, not what we tell them to do.  And usually I think about all the terrible things I do that my kids are probably picking up on and storing away to try out themselves at some point – like my nightly glass of wine, or […] Read more…

It’s Never Too Early to Teach Our Children Not to Hate

One lovely spring day my then six and eight year old sons were playing with children we knew when they came racing in the house to tell me that something “really bad” had happened.  As a mom of boys most “really bad” things in my nice-suburban-gated-community can be handled with a benevolent smile, an airing of […] Read more…

Working Moms to Lawmakers: Stop Screwing With Public Schools

I freaking love my children’s school.  As a working mom living within a tight personal budget I am so grateful that I have an amazing public school run by an exceptional principal, a PTO that works their butts off to keep things like the library open and the lights on, and a cadre of volunteers […] Read more…

So This is What it Feels Like to Lose Your Mind

I’ve been feeling as if I’ve been losing my mind lately.  And not in the awesome late eighties Prince “let’s go crazy” kind if way but the Julianne Moore “Still Alice” scary version.  I went to see my doctor about this a year or so ago.  Because not only am I losing my mind but […] Read more…

Our Kids Are Stressed Out, So What Are We Going to do About it?

My boys and I were hanging out at our friends house two weeks ago when tragedy hit.  We  had lost track of time (by “we” I mean me and by “lost-track” I mean I purposefully forgot to watch the clock – don’t judge) and weren’t going to be able to make it in time to see the […] Read more…

I Got A 94% On My Second Grade Science Fair Project

This is what my husband texted to me when my seven-year-old came home with his graded project.  To be fair, it took a village.  I spent a weekend researching online with my son the sorts of projects that he’d not only be interested in but didn’t involve too much complexity, then spent a day running […] Read more…

The Eight Most Important Lessons I Learned From My Year As a Golfer

For my thirtieth birthday my husband bought me a set of golf clubs and lessons.  Three months later I found out I was pregnant.  I felt motherhood was more than enough of a new hobby to take up at the time.  So unfortunately, those clubs spent the better part of the last decade sitting in […] Read more…

Flying The Unfriendly Skies; Traveling With Kids

Do you know someone who is the just sweetest nicest person in the world? Someone who never has a bad word to say about anyone, possesses limitless amounts of patience, and when you ask them for a favor they truly mean it is no problem at all? Usually this person teaches third grade or is […] Read more…

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