Archive of ‘Does This Mean I’m a Grownup?’ category

The Two Things I will Never Tell My Children

As mothers we spend a lot of our time shielding our kids from the harsh realities of the world until they are ready to face them. School shootings, dead three-year-old Syrian refugees, teens who overdoes on heroine, missing commercial airliners – the list of frightening things that our children can be exposed to is overwhelming.  […] Read more…

Letting Go of Your Fear and Owning Your Power

The number one human fear, according to numerous studies and surveys, is public speaking.  It’s not my biggest dear. But it was during a public speaking training session that I realized what my biggest fear actually is:  not being thought of as nice.  Really, you might be thinking?  The realization that I don’t want to be thought of […] Read more…

The Week I Thought I Had a Brain Tumor But Realized I’m Just Not Twenty Anymore

There is nothing like spending a week in a bikini to make you whole heartedly commit to a diet. However I also discovered the week after getting back from vacation is not the optimal time to give up caffeine, alcohol (dear seven pound eight ounce baby Jesus, help me), dairy, flour and sugar.  It’s also […] Read more…

Tenderness and Terror: Surviving Parenthood

My younger brother was married last week in a very hippie hipster affair.  I haven’t been surrounded by that many childless twenty and thirty-year-olds since I myself was childless and way hipper.  And I thought I was still cool until I opened my mouth and started talking. It didn’t take me long to realize that […] Read more…

Good News for the Children of Working Moms

We all know our children do what they see us do, not what we tell them to do.  And usually I think about all the terrible things I do that my kids are probably picking up on and storing away to try out themselves at some point – like my nightly glass of wine, or […] Read more…

Working Moms to Lawmakers: Stop Screwing With Public Schools

I freaking love my children’s school.  As a working mom living within a tight personal budget I am so grateful that I have an amazing public school run by an exceptional principal, a PTO that works their butts off to keep things like the library open and the lights on, and a cadre of volunteers […] Read more…

So This is What it Feels Like to Lose Your Mind

I’ve been feeling as if I’ve been losing my mind lately.  And not in the awesome late eighties Prince “let’s go crazy” kind if way but the Julianne Moore “Still Alice” scary version.  I went to see my doctor about this a year or so ago.  Because not only am I losing my mind but […] Read more…

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