Archive of ‘Let’s Get Real’ category

Muhammad Ali’s Reminder for this Working Mom

It was a tough week in the Corning household.  My work week was absolutely brutal, I spent the better part of Saturday cleaning up dog vomit, summer finally came roaring in with 119 degree temperatures in Phoenix, my nine-year-old son lost the state flag football championship by one point after going undefeated all season – […] Read more…

Signs that Sexism is Alive and Well–And Slightly Hilarious

I’m not in any danger of anyone calling me a prude. I laugh at inappropriate jokes, I am wildly sarcastic, and I have such thick skin it takes me a really long time to realize someone actually doesn’t like me (hard to believe but yes, I am not everyone’s cup of tea).  I bartended my […] Read more…

Sick Kids: When the Wheels Come off the Bus

Keeping the schedules of me, my husband, and our two sons straight is like having to complete a 1,000 piece jig saw puzzle.  While canoeing.  In the open ocean.  During a hurricane.  Just kidding it’s way harder than that. Every Sunday night (don’t judge, I do wait until the last minute) I pull up my […] Read more…

Working Mother Football Fatigue

have two sons, two rescue dogs and a husband.  I am the only living thing producing estrogen in my house.  Up until recently I had managed to keep the hormonal balance pretty even—or so I thought.  My illusion came crashing down around me two years ago when I showed my son a picture of a […] Read more…

Old School Parenting: Awesomely Twisted Advice from My Dad

My parents are my saviors when it comes to helping me with my children.  They pick them up twice a week from school, are always up for babysitting duty and school vacations – they have them covered.  I swear I’m not trying to suck up to them (okay maybe a little) but they are seriously […] Read more…

A Working Mom’s Request to Teachers This Holiday Season: Please Stop the School Project Insanity

In the year of a working mother I’d say December is the equivalent of competing in an Ironman triathlon.  Holiday cards, family photo shoots for the holiday cards which require hour of shopping for coordinating but not matchy-matchy outfits, decorating the house, holiday parties, cookie bakes, presents – for friends, for family, for kids, for […] Read more…

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