Archive of ‘Parenthood’ category

I Got A 94% On My Second Grade Science Fair Project

This is what my husband texted to me when my seven-year-old came home with his graded project.  To be fair, it took a village.  I spent a weekend researching online with my son the sorts of projects that he’d not only be interested in but didn’t involve too much complexity, then spent a day running […] Read more…

Flying The Unfriendly Skies; Traveling With Kids

Do you know someone who is the just sweetest nicest person in the world? Someone who never has a bad word to say about anyone, possesses limitless amounts of patience, and when you ask them for a favor they truly mean it is no problem at all? Usually this person teaches third grade or is […] Read more…

Working Mom Meets PTO – and Survives

I am very anti this whole “working mom vs. stay at home mom” conspiracy.  And when I meet the mean eighth-grade-girl who thought it up I’m going to thank her for single-handedly setting women back about a century.  And by thanking I mean slapping. But as much as I like joining hands with my stay-at-home-sistas I have to […] Read more…

I Give Up – The Power of Release

I am like a dog with a bone.  Grrrr.  Most of the time it’s a good thing – like when I go to the mat to service my clients or when I refuse to give up on finding time for date night with my husband.  But I am self-aware enough to know that sometimes this personality […] Read more…

A Mom’s Take on Ray Rice

I was in my mid twenties when I had ” that boyfriend.”  You know the, what-was-I-thinking boyfriend.  I’ll just say euphemistically that our relationship was chaotic.  Until the night when chaotic became scary and I left.  Truth be told it had been building to the scary point for a long time.  But I thought crossing […] Read more…

Thanks for Blazing That Trail, Joan Rivers!

Let me just get this out of the way:  I am a gigantic, unabashed, unapologetic Joan River’s fan.  Any woman who has so much trouble keeping her mouth shut and saying the right thing that she decided to make a successful career out of it deserves undying devotion. But as amazing a comedic talent as […] Read more…

Letting Your Kid Fly Their Freak Flag

4th Grade was a tough year for me.  Seriously.  Sadly, it started out as THE BEST YEAR EVER!  I went to catholic school and for those of you who have attended a fine parochial institution you know that any year you get a “lay teacher” (meaning not a nun) you felt pretty darned lucky.  My fourth grade teacher […] Read more…

That Woman Is a Disaster

And by that woman I mean me. I’ve found that being a working mom is often times just like living in a movie.  Because the minute you think you have it all together is right when the rug is about to be pulled out from under you – just like the misguided star of any […] Read more…

So You’re Saying My Kid Is Not Going To Be The Next Pelé?

When my oldest son was five years old he absolutely dominated on his soccer team.  He was like the Michael Jordan-Tom Brady-Tiger Woods (pre-sex scandal) of elementary school age soccer.  And it just tickled me.  I’m not gonna lie; I had total mama-bear pride. So naturally when he made the jump up to club soccer […] Read more…

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