Archive of ‘Parenthood’ category

Are We Done Yet: When To Stop Having Babies?

When my husband and I first decided to try to have babies I remember having this weird and woozy out-of-body moment where I thought to myself, “So this is it? We just decide to have a family and then we get to do it?  Shouldn’t I have to get a permit or ask my parents?”  Turns out […] Read more…

Top Three Lessons Working Moms Can Learn From The Red Sox

I was born into Red Sox Nation.  Growing up in Boston, being a Red Sox fan is simply what you do – like breathing or drinking on St. Patty’s Day.  So when the Red Sox won the World Series in 2004 after an 86 year drought it seemed…well, unnatural.  Great but unnatural.  And now this year to have […] Read more…

I Am A Working Mother. Viva La Revolucion!

How many pity parties have you had in the last week?  the last month?  By my count I’m up to about two full on “poor me” moments and about a half-dozen or so micro-moments.  Because it is hard!  No matter how funny and rewarding trying to raise a family and a maintain a career can be […] Read more…

A Day of Debauchery

Yesterday the inmates ran the prison and it was insanely fantastic.  July 4th falling on a Wednesday created the perfect storm for our family.  Most of the 4th was spent knocking out housework typically reserved for the weekend which meant that there wasn’t much in the way of cleaning to be done come Saturday.  On […] Read more…

I Married Well

For me, being a working mom is existing in a constant state of managed chaos.  Two small son, plus two rescue dogs, plus demanding career, plus – you know – life in general equals a daily nail-biting existence.  And, yes, I am insane because I wouldn’t change a thing about it. And I seemingly hold it together […] Read more…

Doing Life Together

Let me preface this entire post by saying it’s pretty much the most uncomfortable thing I’ve probably ever written.  And this coming from someone that wrote a book with an entire chapter about my sex life with my husband; so there’s that.  But after what I will refer to as “The Incident” I felt I had to tackle this topic head […] Read more…

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