Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

When I’m Reminded That it is all Worth it

Momming ain’t easy and throwing a career into the mix adds a little extra something special.  There are for sure days where I think to myself “is all this craziness worth it?” Usually it happens when I’m stuck in traffic, I’m already ten minutes late picking my son up from practice, I know I still […] Read more…

Surviving Middle School

Arizona State University published a study in 2016 that identified the most stressed out parents as those who have middle school aged children.  The findings surprised the researchers who had thought that infancy would naturally be the most stressful time of parenting.  What they discovered is that parents with middle school aged children are by […] Read more…

It’s Not the Police, It’s Not Black Men. It Is Us.

I wish it were just a matter passing a law, implementing the right training program, or opening a Justice Department investigation.   But the sad fact is that our country’s racial problem is not something we can slap a band aid on and call it fixed.  Segregation ended decades ago but the self-segregation all races engage […] Read more…

Working Moms Must Advocate for Working Dads

I had a lightbulb moment last week. I was being interviewed on a local radio show by two guys – one who admittedly had no children and one who looked about twelve years old. I thought it was going to be the Working Mommies educational hour. Well it turns out the twelve year old was […] Read more…

I Am Not Your Friend. I Am Your Mother.

It happened when my oldest son, Jack, was five years old. I knew it was coming and already knew what I was going to say. I had just given him a consequence (which means I took his iPad away from him) for some bad behavior (not listening to me, not doing what I asked him […] Read more…

Why Can’t I Be Fun Mom?

“Let’s ride our bicycles around the block in our pajamas before we go to bed!” Said no working mom ever. Okay maybe there is an outlier but I’m going with pretty much no. But this is exactly what my friend, Lori’s, fun loving, spontaneous husband said to their three kids before bedtime recently. As a […] Read more…

How Not To Tell Your Kid About Santa: My Epic Parent Failure.

I have two sons.  They are as different as night and day.  Which seems to be how most two child families are organized personality-wise.  My youngest is sweet, loveable, easy-going, and finds joy in everything.  My oldest we’ve nicknamed the “Evil Genius.”  He knows exactly what he wants and if there is deviation from his […] Read more…

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