The Magic and Power of Sisterhood

I just spent five days in Napa drinking copious amounts of wine with seven women I’ve known for twenty-eight years.  No one ended up in jail.  We didn’t get kicked out of anywhere.  None of us hooked up with random men.  Bunch of old boring bitches you might be thinking.  To that I say: we […] Read more…

Making Time for Our Kids While There’s Still Time

I had to fill out one of those doctor’s questionnaires this week where they ask you all those ridiculous questions, like “how often are you stressed.”  My answer:  always.  I’m a working mom, I wake up stressed, I eat stress for breakfast, lunch and dinner then I drive it to football practice, feed it, check […] Read more…

Where’s Your Lipstick, B*tch?

As working mothers we do approximately one-thousand-fifty-two things right each and every day.  From the mundane tasks such as making sure everyone in the house who has teeth has actually brushed them before walking out the door in the morning (ourselves included) to the complicated and complex like closing the deal we’ve worked on for […] Read more…

It’s Not the Police, It’s Not Black Men. It Is Us.

I wish it were just a matter passing a law, implementing the right training program, or opening a Justice Department investigation.   But the sad fact is that our country’s racial problem is not something we can slap a band aid on and call it fixed.  Segregation ended decades ago but the self-segregation all races engage […] Read more…

Muhammad Ali’s Reminder for this Working Mom

It was a tough week in the Corning household.  My work week was absolutely brutal, I spent the better part of Saturday cleaning up dog vomit, summer finally came roaring in with 119 degree temperatures in Phoenix, my nine-year-old son lost the state flag football championship by one point after going undefeated all season – […] Read more…

Signs that Sexism is Alive and Well–And Slightly Hilarious

I’m not in any danger of anyone calling me a prude. I laugh at inappropriate jokes, I am wildly sarcastic, and I have such thick skin it takes me a really long time to realize someone actually doesn’t like me (hard to believe but yes, I am not everyone’s cup of tea).  I bartended my […] Read more…

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