I’ll Have What She’s Having

Remember that scene from “When Harry Met Sally?”  The one where Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in the middle of Katz’s Deli?  I’ve provided a link for those of you who need a little refresher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-v1TZ5qhY4  As hilarious as that scene is it is the gal at the next table who delivers the line that has […] Read more…

Sleeping Beauty is Dead

It’s official:  women are sick of waiting for prince charming.  66% of women in a Pew Research Center study place higher importance on being self-rescuing princesses than Sleeping Beauties.  66% of women ages 18-34 responded  by stating that being successful in a high-paying career or profession is “one of the most important things” or “very important” in their lives  […] Read more…

I Shop at Goodwill

Actually it’s even worse than that.  My mother shops at Goodwill for me.  And only on 50% off days.  And only when she can get her senior discount.  I really hate clothes shopping.  I think it’s a hold over from my days at Catholic school.  I mean who really needs more than two plaid jumpers, five […] Read more…

Ode to My Dog

Four years ago it dawned on me that there were only two things in my life that brought me Pure joy without any accompanying angst: my assistant Anne Cowley and my dog Rupert. Anne has since moved onto bigger and better projects besides my sorry self.  But Rupert remains, as always, loving, loyal, and by […] Read more…

Embracing Your Inner Slut

Slut:  noun 1. a dirty, slovenly woman. 2. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODI-NALkI4c&feature=youtube_gdata_player I have been beyond furious with the comments Rush Limbaugh made about the law student who testified that it would be helpful if her birth control were covered by her medical insurance.  I mean I’ve been having fantasies about tying my hair back in a pony tail, putting on […] Read more…

Stay At Home Moms Are Not The Enemy

One of my favorite movies of all times is the movie “Heathers.” A movie dedicated to revealing the absurdity of being a mean girl:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRnluLJXtVk&sns=em For the most part the days of being an insecure adolescent faking our way through high school are far behind us – with one glaring exception. When it comes to […] Read more…

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