Posts Tagged ‘#cryngiinthecloset’

Why the Bunker is so Dangerous and Three Ways to Get Out of it

Fine.   I’m fine. I’m just fine. I’m so, so good, good, can’t complain, same old same old, as working moms most of us casually throw out these phrases more often than any other in our vocabulary.  We are living this crazy existence trying to be the best wife, mother, professional, and friend possible while there […] Read more…

It’s Not the Police, It’s Not Black Men. It Is Us.

I wish it were just a matter passing a law, implementing the right training program, or opening a Justice Department investigation.   But the sad fact is that our country’s racial problem is not something we can slap a band aid on and call it fixed.  Segregation ended decades ago but the self-segregation all races engage […] Read more…

Muhammad Ali’s Reminder for this Working Mom

It was a tough week in the Corning household.  My work week was absolutely brutal, I spent the better part of Saturday cleaning up dog vomit, summer finally came roaring in with 119 degree temperatures in Phoenix, my nine-year-old son lost the state flag football championship by one point after going undefeated all season – […] Read more…

Working Mother Football Fatigue

have two sons, two rescue dogs and a husband.  I am the only living thing producing estrogen in my house.  Up until recently I had managed to keep the hormonal balance pretty even—or so I thought.  My illusion came crashing down around me two years ago when I showed my son a picture of a […] Read more…

The Two Things I will Never Tell My Children

As mothers we spend a lot of our time shielding our kids from the harsh realities of the world until they are ready to face them. School shootings, dead three-year-old Syrian refugees, teens who overdoes on heroine, missing commercial airliners – the list of frightening things that our children can be exposed to is overwhelming.  […] Read more…

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