Posts Tagged ‘#workingmommysmanual’

It’s Not the Police, It’s Not Black Men. It Is Us.

I wish it were just a matter passing a law, implementing the right training program, or opening a Justice Department investigation.   But the sad fact is that our country’s racial problem is not something we can slap a band aid on and call it fixed.  Segregation ended decades ago but the self-segregation all races engage […] Read more…

Muhammad Ali’s Reminder for this Working Mom

It was a tough week in the Corning household.  My work week was absolutely brutal, I spent the better part of Saturday cleaning up dog vomit, summer finally came roaring in with 119 degree temperatures in Phoenix, my nine-year-old son lost the state flag football championship by one point after going undefeated all season – […] Read more…

Signs that Sexism is Alive and Well–And Slightly Hilarious

I’m not in any danger of anyone calling me a prude. I laugh at inappropriate jokes, I am wildly sarcastic, and I have such thick skin it takes me a really long time to realize someone actually doesn’t like me (hard to believe but yes, I am not everyone’s cup of tea).  I bartended my […] Read more…

Advice From My Fairy Godmothers: Get a Hobby

If there is an inappropriate conversation to be had I will have it.  I’m really good at it.  It’s one of my super powers.  This week’s inappropriate conversation took place at a celebration of life.  I can only take half credit for this inappropriate conversation as technically my fairy godmothers were already having the conversation and […] Read more…

Woman of a Certain Age: Why I no Longer Care About Looking Professional

I turned forty recently.  I’m not one of those freaks who dreads each birthday but my forties have definitely been different.  There has been one shift in my forty-year-old-thinking that is so seemingly trivial it is embarrassing to admit.  Because of all the terrible things in this world that I should be concerned about, I […] Read more…

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