Posts Tagged ‘#workingmother’

Signs that Sexism is Alive and Well–And Slightly Hilarious

I’m not in any danger of anyone calling me a prude. I laugh at inappropriate jokes, I am wildly sarcastic, and I have such thick skin it takes me a really long time to realize someone actually doesn’t like me (hard to believe but yes, I am not everyone’s cup of tea).  I bartended my […] Read more…

Advice From My Fairy Godmothers: Get a Hobby

If there is an inappropriate conversation to be had I will have it.  I’m really good at it.  It’s one of my super powers.  This week’s inappropriate conversation took place at a celebration of life.  I can only take half credit for this inappropriate conversation as technically my fairy godmothers were already having the conversation and […] Read more…

Never-Ending Mother’s Day (Please!)

That’s it?  I blinked and it was over.  The day when my children told me and made me gifts that extolled the awesomeness that is my motherhood is done?  Already?  Sigh.  I’ve got to say that I’m going to need more than a once a year acknowledgement of the herculean effort that is my life as […] Read more…

Woman of a Certain Age: Why I no Longer Care About Looking Professional

I turned forty recently.  I’m not one of those freaks who dreads each birthday but my forties have definitely been different.  There has been one shift in my forty-year-old-thinking that is so seemingly trivial it is embarrassing to admit.  Because of all the terrible things in this world that I should be concerned about, I […] Read more…

Top Three Criteria for Finding a Mommy Mentor

It seems like every time I read a book, article, or a blog discussing strategies for advancing as a professional woman nine times out of ten it will be suggested that we working women need to find mentors.  Sometimes they’ll be called by different names but these more senior professionals all serve the purpose of […] Read more…

Embracing 2016?

As 2015 fades in the rearview mirror I’ve been experiencing a general feeling of foreboding.  So like any educated modern day person with a problem I turned to Google and searched “unexplained sense of foreboding.”  According to the search results I either possess the power of Clairsentience (the ability to feel emotions or physical sensations […] Read more…

Old School Parenting: Awesomely Twisted Advice from My Dad

My parents are my saviors when it comes to helping me with my children.  They pick them up twice a week from school, are always up for babysitting duty and school vacations – they have them covered.  I swear I’m not trying to suck up to them (okay maybe a little) but they are seriously […] Read more…

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