Old School Parenting: Awesomely Twisted Advice from My Dad

My parents are my saviors when it comes to helping me with my children.  They pick them up twice a week from school, are always up for babysitting duty and school vacations – they have them covered.  I swear I’m not trying to suck up to them (okay maybe a little) but they are seriously […] Read more…

A Working Mom’s Request to Teachers This Holiday Season: Please Stop the School Project Insanity

In the year of a working mother I’d say December is the equivalent of competing in an Ironman triathlon.  Holiday cards, family photo shoots for the holiday cards which require hour of shopping for coordinating but not matchy-matchy outfits, decorating the house, holiday parties, cookie bakes, presents – for friends, for family, for kids, for […] Read more…

My Personal Christmas Experiment: Why I’m Not Stepping Foot inside a Store This Christmas

I hate shopping.  I’ve always hated shopping.  My mother is basically a professional shopper (that woman has never met a sale that didn’t have her name on it) and didn’t accept the fact her only daughter hated shopping until I was twenty-five.  It was a tough day for her – sorry to disappoint ya mom!  […] Read more…

The Importance of Having Fun Times Away From Your Children: Why I Ran 200 Miles in Las Vegas

I ran a 200 miles relay race as part of a twelve person team this week. I slept a total of three hours in 36 hours – and I’m being generous here. Even this meager amount of sleep was possible only because one of my superpowers is that I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, under any […] Read more…

When is it the Right Time to Have That Awkward Sex-Talk with Your Kids?

I was out to dinner with some girlfriends when the topic turned to birth control methods – you know because chicks talk about everything.  My sweet and always well-mannered friend (think Charlotte from Sex in the City) informed me that she knew I was taking the pill because my eight-year-old son Sam had told her […] Read more…

The Pope and Working Moms

I am fascinated by the Catholic Church.  I attended Catholic school from first through sixth grade.  I was sent there by my very much not religious agnostic mother and atheist father.  It’s like a set up for a bad sitcom, right?  I loved my Catholic school education though was always deeply skeptical of organized religion […] Read more…

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