What Governor Pence Can Learn From a Christian Working Mom and her Second Grader

I love Jesus. My former hippie Agnostic mother and Atheist father are pretty horrified. I, however, remain undeterred. I am deeply in love with Jesus because I believe he is the original badass. Let’s review, shall we? Jesus never hung out with the upper class, the cool kids, nor the powerful. He connected with lepers, tax collectors, and women of questionable reputation (by the way, Mary Magdalene was never called a prostitute in the Bible. It’s one of the longest nastiest rumors of all times. I believe she was a feminist. Insecure people called strong women sluts behind their backs even in 5 B.C.). So I’m pretty sure if Jesus came back today and saw what was going on in Indiana he’d throw up a little in his mouth.

Now, sure this “religious freedom” issue isn’t being billed as a Christian law but let’s be real, this is a Christian-centric country. When a lawmaker wants to pray to God, Vegas wouldn’t even give odds on which God they are referring to. Because no one is taking the bet it is Allah.

But I digress, back to J.C.: he’d be pissed. He’d be like what freaking Christian did not get the memo? Did I not spell it out clearly enough to those damned Pharisees when they asked me what is the greatest law and I told them right after loving God you need to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” Did I stutter? I didn’t say as long as they aren’t gay. Because let’s not pretend this law won’t allow some knucklehead to twist some verse in the Bible to demonstrate how all homosexuals are going straight to hell and how they offend their religious sensibilities.

How does the governor of Indiana not understand that discrimination of any sort is B-A-D, bad? Because my second grader gets it. My brilliant and gifted child (everyone’s own child is gifted and brilliant) knows that you don’t get to leave anyone out of your games at recess. Even if he’s a nose picker – you need to include him, and his boogers. And truly what is more offensive than nose picking in second grade?

So Indiana, do the Christian thing. Follow the same rules 99.9% of you are teaching your own second graders. Repeal this law and make our nation and Jesus proud.

1 Comment on What Governor Pence Can Learn From a Christian Working Mom and her Second Grader

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